Emma, Matera
Knock Knock. "Next!" "Mrs. Emma?" "Yes." "She is the first. Here the kit, prepare the pick you up in an hour. "An hour, another hour. One hour, one hour. As it is true that everything is relative. I watch the pulse of instinct to stop right now, to start the stopwatch, but I did not watch.I have had it removed last night, along with the earrings, my two rings and pendant with the penguin. I look at the plastic bag that the nurse had placed on the bed and I do not dare touch it. I read down the cubital written: "for intervention kit. It Contains: 1 coat, 2 legs, 1 headphone ". It is a tiny envelope: how can hold all these things? I decided to open it. I have an hour of time but after a few seconds are already in the bathroom to undress to wear this ridiculous coat.
It's like having nothing on him. With the headset and the leggings I feel sexy Red Riding Hood's grandmother. I left the bathroom and I put under the covers, I'm cold. They are the first, said the nurse. What need had to tell me? Did I possibly say? I do not like the idea of being the first. Doctors will still half asleep, they drink enough coffee? They will come out of breath with even the night on her. And if it was a bad night they will not have had time to dispose of it, to forget it. I would rather be the second. I like to be the second. Sometimes it pays well. It should be the second daughter, for example, should make university exams for seconds. The first serve break-in, the second-catching and overtaking coming to the goal.
And then, in the case of examinations, there is also a subtle psychological discourse: which professor would put a 30 at 9:00 in the morning? Think to be a good or to condition the entire appeal. If you did a good question, the first candidate will take a 27, the second is a 30. In love instead should be seconds ... yes, in love. "It has changed?" "Yes," I say weakly, thinking that may not have already been an hour. The nurse takes a fleeting glance towards me and, unable to suppress a smile he says "The shirts must be tucked backwards". I'll be back in the bathroom, I extension the paper tablecloth and rinfilo down, that is the straight.
I could laugh for hours at the thought of the doctors in the operating room that are with me backwards shirts, but they are too agitated to laugh. But maybe a laugh me do, I will do well.